With Anjelah Johnson
Anjelah Johnson – comedian, actress and recording artist, most probably exploded onto your radar in 2007, when her hilarious take on the humble manicure, Nail Salon, turned into a viral YouTube sensation.
It was this exact video that changed Anjelah’s life, landing her a manager and an agent, which then led to her breakout role on MADtv. It was here that Johnson’s comedic star status took flight, and it wasn’t long before she began selling out stand-up tours across the US.
Today, with multiple television specials under her comedic belt, film credits including ‘Our Family Wedding’ with Forest Whittaker and even an album by her alter ego, Bon Qui Qui, Anjelah is forging her way in Hollywood like a certified #girlboss.
Hot on the heels of her first headline tour across Australia and NZ in August, we had a good ol’ chinwag about Anjelah’s experience as a fierce female in Hollywood. Here’s what she shared:
Little girls with dreams become women with vision
When I was a kid I wanted to be a lawyer, a teacher, or anything that allowed me to have my own office, because an office signified being a grown up like in the movies. And then I was like, why don’t I just be in the movies and I can be all these things.
Started from the bottom now we here
Being an extra on the TV show FRIENDS will always be one of the best jobs I’ve ever had. It was my favourite show, and I got to walk onto the set of Central Perk! I basically got to take a free acting class from Jennifer Aniston, Courtney Cox, Lisa Kudrow and the entire cast. Further down the track, shooting my first one-hour special for Comedy Central is definitely a highlight.
Robyn Von Swank
No one said it would be easy (soz)
Have I faced challenges? None. No challenges what so ever trying to become a famous actress. Easiest gig in the world. If I could start over and do it all again I would, that’s how challenge-free these past 15 years have been. And I don’t use sarcasm to hide pain at all. #lol
Honestly, there’ve been so many. The ones that stick out the most are being broke and being rejected. Rejection stings and it comes in many forms. It’s being able to keep pressing on despite the fact that you keep hearing “No”. You have to trust that one day you will hear “Yes”, and it will be so worth it!
Robyn Von Swank
Pioneering her way as a woman in comedy
A man can ask for something that he feels he is worthy of and he is respected for knowing his value. A woman is presumed to be a diva. I think in the world of stand up comedy it’s still very much a man’s game, but more and more women are starting to play.
In the beginning of my career I had to dumb myself down. Meaning, if I went on stage with full makeup, hair done and any kind of skin showing – the crowd would not play ball with me. If they did start to enjoy my show it would take a good 15-20 minutes for people to trust that someone that looked like me could be funny.
For instance, I could have just kept my full hair and make up on with a form fitting shirt and just fought through the awkwardness until they learned to trust that I was funny. Instead I chose to take my lipstick off and put my hair in a pony tail while performing, because it made it easier for me to get ahead in my own show.
Amaris Granado for JOLIEGAZETTE
How does Anjelah wo-man up?
Find the balance of sticking to your guns, and also playing the game to get ahead.
Whatever your situation is, learn to read the room and move your pieces on the board like a game of chess.
Self-discipline: work out when you don’t want to. Get in a class even when it gives you anxiety. Stay ready.
Check your perspective.
Seek help.
Stay focused on your personal goals.
Re-centre and reconnect with God.
Creating new material
I write down ideas and things that I want to talk about in my phone. I usually practice material in the shower or while I'm driving. Now in the age of Bluetooth people just think I’m on the phone.
When I think of something new I run it by my friends who travel with me, then try it onstage. If the audience in the first show laughs, I’ll keep it for the second show. I’m currently writing my fifth hour of stand up so hopefully I will have a new special available for people to watch soon!
It’s yo gurl Bon Qui Qui
Bon Qui Qui is a little bit of a lot of people I have met in my life – mostly my brother who is ghetto fabulous and has no filter. My favourite Bon Qui Qui moment is definitely when I went on tour as her with a live band and back up dancers, performing songs off of her album, Gold Plated Dreams.
She’s one of those characters that definitely creeps out through my pores in certain situations. Like, it’s hard not to become her when I’m getting riled up.
On failing forward
Remember that your breakthrough could be right around the corner, and there is something to be learned in every situation. Look for the lesson instead of dwelling on the failure. You have to taste failure enough to know the goodness that is success.
Anjelah’s Fast 7
1. Fave food: Mexican. Chips and salsa are my fave food group.
2. Can’t live without: Chips and salsa. I mean my husband.
3. Comedic inspo: George Lopez, Ellen Degeneras, Brian Regan and Jo Koy.
4. Flats or heels: What are heels?
5. Last film you loved: The Greatest Showman!
6. Signature coffee: Any coffee I drink I like to add a dash of cinnamon.
7. Currently reading: You Are a Badass by Jen Sincero – for the second time because it’s that good!
Robyn Von Swank
Catch Anjelah’s More of Me Tour
Auckland: 12 August @ Skycity Theatre
Brisbane: 16 August @ Tivoli Theatre
Sydney: 18 August @ Enmore Theatre
Melbourne: 20 August @ Comedy Theatre
Perth: 23 August @ Astor Theatre Perth